pp108 : request Property (Upload)

request Property (Upload)

Object that contains SOAP Message to be sent to the Gateway.


Inline HTML

<div cordysType="wcp.library.util.Upload" request=oXMLDocumentObject />

Event property

uploadID.request = oXMLDocumentObject





Object that denotes the XML Document of a SOAP Message that will be sent to the Gateway.


The value set for this property will be evaluated and the result should return a valid XMLDocument object.

The request XML Document that is present here actually indicates the XML Node from which the upload content is to be taken. The XML content is usually indicated by a 'Upload:FileContent' and the name of the content as 'Upload:FileName'. If more than one content is to be uploaded, then the FileName and FileContent are succeeded with numbers.

Once the request is sent to the Gateway, the response is sent by the Gateway.wcp back to the Upload.wcp. From the response received, the content that is to be uploaded is identified by the Upload component and it uploads the corresponding content.


The following example shows how the request property can be used.

<div cordysType="wcp.library.util.Upload" fileCount="1" id="uploader" request="update.XMLDocument">
    <script id="update" type="cordys/xml">
        <SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
                <Update xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/1.0/demo/northwind">

See Also
